In early June, the S&WB, the city of New Orleans and the Greater New Orleans Foundation launched their own water management campaign, “Every Drop Counts.” Our barrels were invited to the launch and a lot of people asked who the artists of those wonderful barrels are. Indeed the art, the artists and our proud residents are the backbone of the Green Light rain barrel campaign. Without them we would not be close to a thousand barrels installed. Green Light’s staff artist, Kami Galeana, is a big reason for the program’s recent success. She started painting rain barrels with Green Light in September 2019 and is now our senior staff artist. Kami has painted over 100 barrels.
- How would you describe your aesthetic/artistic style?
I typically see myself as a pop artist, and I have a fascination with texture in the context of pop art painting. Roy Lichtenstein’s Ben Day dots come to mind. I like sugary colors and strong outlines.
- What inspires you when you’re painting (rain barrels or other works)?
All of my personal work falls into little “collections.” I don’t like to do just one work based on a concept. I like to visually work on an idea until I feel satisfied that I’ve looked at it thoroughly. The same could be said for my rain barrels. I explore different avenues for a few barrels and see what happens.
- What excites you/what do you like about painting rain barrels?

I like how there’s so much room for exploration when I’m painting barrels. For example, right now I’m super excited about the little collection of barrels that feature famous paintings. My favorite one of those is Millet’s “The Sower.”
- Where else have you shown work in the past? Where can people find your work now?
I was part of two different collectives in the New Orleans area, Second Story Gallery in the Healing Center and Ten Gallery on Magazine Street, which is where I had my first solo exhibition. Last year I was featured as the July Pop Up artist at the Ogden Museum’s Center for Southern Craft and Design with my body of work called “An homage to nimble fingers.” I regularly post artwork, both in-progress and past works on my Instagram: www.instagram.com/galeanaoutfit.
- Anything else you’d like to add?
I really hope that everyone that has received one of my barrels is happy with it. I consider them to be love letters to the community that I am proud to be a part of.
To apply for a rain barrel of your own, visit https://www.greenlightneworleans.org/rainbarrelapply.html.