Rosemary is an evergreen herb that assists in increasing blood flow to the brain, maintaining a healthy immune system, and reducing the frequency of asthma attacks. It also improves memory and alleviates stress. In addition, rosemary oil aids in healing skin irritations, … [Read more...]
Lemon Grass
Both the stalks and the foliage of lemon grass can be used for cooking or brewing tea. Lemon grass is also used as a preservative and as a pesticide (repellent). How to harvest: Find a stalk that is between ¼ - ½ inch thick. Use scissors to cut the stalk at ground level, as … [Read more...]
Thyme is mostly used as a kitchen herb but it is also used in natural medicine in connection with chest and respiratory problems. How to Harvest: Cut a a few pieces with the scissors. How to Prepare: Thyme should be added towards the end of your cooking because heat can … [Read more...]
Papayas are native to southern Mexico and Central America. The fruit is also called a “tree melon,” Papaw or Paw Paw. The seeds of the fruit resemble peppercorns and are edible. They can be ground up and used as a substitute for black pepper. How to Harvest: At Green Light … [Read more...]
Mizuna is an Asian green that is commonly found in baby lettuce mixes, but can also be enjoyed by itself, raw or cooked. It is a great source of vitamins A and K. How to harvest: An easy way to think about harvesting greens is the ⅔ rule. Think about harvesting one third of … [Read more...]