Dear Backyard Gardener, November is here and you'll want to spend this month tending to your winter vegetables- salad greens and root vegetables. Due to Louisiana's mild cool season, you can still germinate seeds and put new seedlings in the ground. This is great since you … [Read more...]
October Planting
Dear Backyard Gardener, October is here and you'll want to spend this month planting your winter vegetables as well as resowing your favorite fall roots and greens. Jim Mizell will be at the Crescent City Farmer's Market in Uptown Square most Tuesdays from 9am-1pm with … [Read more...]
Banana Pepper
A full sun pepper plant which grows to 1 to 2 feet and yields bright yellow peppers 2-5 inches long which have a mild, tangy taste. How to Harvest: Harvest at any time after the peppers turn yellow and they snap easily from the stem. When they ripen further, they may turn red. … [Read more...]
Nasturtium flowers and plants are edible. Some use the seeds as a substitute for capers. Nasturtiums are rich in vitamin C, but only when eaten raw. Cooking them destroys the vitamin C. Nasturtiums will give an antibiotic boost so when you feel illness coming on, eat two or three … [Read more...]
Thyme is mostly used as a kitchen herb but it is also used in natural medicine in connection with chest and respiratory problems. How to Harvest: Cut a a few pieces with the scissors. How to Prepare: Thyme should be added towards the end of your cooking because heat can … [Read more...]