Swiss Chard is not from Switzerland! It is actually closely related to the beet which originates in coastal regions of the Mediterranean. Chard is a beet that is grown for its greens rather than its root. Chard is a vegetable that has a plentiful supply of vitamins, fiber, and … [Read more...]
Papayas are native to southern Mexico and Central America. The fruit is also called a “tree melon,” Papaw or Paw Paw. The seeds of the fruit resemble peppercorns and are edible. They can be ground up and used as a substitute for black pepper. How to Harvest: At Green Light … [Read more...]
Moringa leaves are incredibly nutritious, containing essential antioxidants, amino acids, and vitamins. Moringa can lower blood sugar and cholesterol in addition to increasing lactating women's milk production. How to harvest: Cut leaf stems with a sharp knife. How to … [Read more...]
Mustard Greens
Several different varieties of mustard greens are currently growing in Green Light's Edible Teaching Garden. Some of them, like the Southern Giant Curled variety, are heirlooms originally from the Southern United States. Some of our mustard greens have a horseradish-mustard … [Read more...]