On December 13th and 14th, a group of students from Nova Southeastern University (NSU) in Florida came to visit and volunteer at the Green Light office. They truly went above and beyond with what they brought for us.
The students had been preparing supplemental educational materials for Green Light over the course of this semester to improve the quality and comprehensiveness of the information we give to our rain barrel, light bulb and garden recipients. We were thrilled with the results!

Students presented us with some tremendous new supplemental materials on topics like nutrition, health, storm preparedness, and food and water safety. They even included forms with translations in Spanish and Haitian creole!
They also developed a cook book full of recipes specifically highlighting many of our 26 vegetables we recommend for gardeners! Look forward to future blog posts with healthy, delicious recipes developed with local choices in mind!
So, a huge thank you to these students for going the extra mile, the New Orleans community will certainly benefit from it!