Green Light New Orleans was excited to participate in this year’s World Refugee Day celebrations. We got to be one of the many organizations offering our services and showing a welcoming face to our community members- some new and some who have been here for many years. We had a very interactive table, spreading the word about our programs while painting a Rain Barrel with the children of refugee families at the event. Their rainbow colored handprints on our barrel serve as a reminder of what makes New Orleans a special city- a place where no matter your nationality, or the circumstances that brought you here, you can contribute to the resiliency and culture of the community. After painting, the families enjoyed delicious food, music, and raffle prizes. We hope to be a part of the festivities every year!
If you’re interested in having this rain barrel installed at your home, please complete a rain barrel application and email it to, or mail it to 8203 Jeannette St., New Orleans, 70118.