Green Light New Orleans + 11 Western Michigan University students = 1 impactful week of environmental stewardship! Did you know New Orleans is sinking about half an inch a year? Green Light New Orleans is a nonprofit organization that provides energy efficient light bulbs, … [Read more...]
Community Member Spotlight: Ms. Rosie
Ms. Rosie received light bulbs from us back in 2015, and on January 22, 2019 we installed both a rain barrel and a garden for her! She loved both so much that the day after the installation Ms. Rosie called in and said she wanted to be put back on our list to get a second garden. … [Read more...]
A decade of service: Macalester College and Green Light
Green Light New Orleans hosted a half dozen out-of-state volunteer groups in the first two weeks of 2018. These volunteers came from as far away as Zimbabwe and Angola and spent part of their time in New Orleans helping us replace light bulbs, build gardens and install rain … [Read more...]
Volunteer This Winter Break!
Winter break is right around the corner and we at Green Light New Orleans would be grateful to host your group of volunteers! For schools and educational groups we offer a variety of service-learning packages in each of our program areas- energy-efficiency, permaculture and … [Read more...]
The Joys of Community Outreach
The process of directly installing light bulbs, rain barrels, and gardens in the homes of New Orleanians is such a personal and even vulnerable experience. Demographics and system protocols become a person, with a story, eager to participate in this simple opportunity for home … [Read more...]