Green Light New Orleans + 11 Western Michigan University students = 1 impactful week of environmental stewardship! Did you know New Orleans is sinking about half an inch a year? Green Light New Orleans is a nonprofit organization that provides energy efficient light bulbs, … [Read more...]
A few last summer sustainability words
Most people in Louisiana have understood by now that we are very vulnerable to climate change and that we have to take action to slow down subsidence and reduce the risk of flooding. "We" means clearly "all and each one of us." Hopefully even congressman Garrett Graves … [Read more...]
Energy Smart offers money-saving ‘smart switches’ to customers
Energy Smart, the entity that has partnered with Green Light New Orleans to replace 600,000 light bulbs at more than 27,000 homes, is offering a new program to Entergy New Orleans customers (Orleans Parish only). The EasyCool Program gives Entergy New Orleans customers the … [Read more...]