Nearly every day, there is an awesome volunteer at Green Light New Orleans helping install rain barrels, paint garden beds, schedule light bulb routes, etc. But twice a week, we are graced with two very exceptional volunteers named Jackie and Ben. They showed up one day eager to … [Read more...]
Volunteer This Winter Break!
Winter break is right around the corner and we at Green Light New Orleans would be grateful to host your group of volunteers! For schools and educational groups we offer a variety of service-learning packages in each of our program areas- energy-efficiency, permaculture and … [Read more...]
The Joys of Community Outreach
The process of directly installing light bulbs, rain barrels, and gardens in the homes of New Orleanians is such a personal and even vulnerable experience. Demographics and system protocols become a person, with a story, eager to participate in this simple opportunity for home … [Read more...]
Volunteer Spotlight: Russell Swanzy
Today we’d like to share our appreciation for Green Light volunteer Russell Swanzy. Russell has been a helping hand across all Green Light’s programs. From priming garden beds and rain barrels to home installations, Russell has been a welcome member of the team. Russell … [Read more...]
Volunteer Spotlight: Ginger Warden
While interviewing Ginger Warden, it’s easy to tell how much she values working with Green Light by the genuine honesty found in all of her responses. Ginger has been volunteering with Green Light every week for the past three months to serve through the free energy efficient … [Read more...]